just checking to one of my friend personal website.. and Im totally Jealous..
yeah I want to have website from a long2 long time ago..
but for some one who always think 'Do It Yourself'.. and trying to make website on your own..
my head is spinning..
okay I already download and save all the tutorial on how the easy step to made your own web, a simple understanding about coding and even; a free template that you can add to your website..
but hell..
I still dont get anything..
are my brain numb or sumthing?? I try to ask some friend help.. and then he ask me.. "so, what kinda web that you want? "
errr. now Im getting more confuse.. ^_^; hahahha okay.. I just wanted to have a website that will be easy to use just like deviantart (I already have deviantart)
and I want to have the preview album gallery just like multiply.. (and I already have multiply) so I can put so many pages of my personal comic.. :D
I also wanted to share my mind, that why there is supposed to be a blog section.. (but I already have a blog..)
okay now.. this is all sound so useless.. I already have all of them,, in the separate website, so what is the problem? the problem is.. that is not my personal web!
I want to design the front page in my style,everything to the core.. :D
and so what? what is it for?
I dunno.. so I will look more profesinal?
so.. anyone? can somebody help me made a website with a cheap price?? please contact me okay? :D
personally, i think YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE! karena elo itu illustrator terkenal dan berintregritas. sudah saatnya punya website portfolio sendiri.
ada banyak banget kok tutorial web desain. selama bisa make photoshop, apapun bisa dilakukan. kalo kesulitan soal coding, mending kmu bikin desain layout di photoshop, dan urusan codingnya minta sama orang lain aja. yang penting kan desainnya dari elo.
ganbatte! X3
punya informasi soal bikin2 web nggak ceu?
sayh juga masih nyari2 inpo nih ^^;
dikau bisa pake jasaku kok, dikau kasi desain sotosopnya aja. tp kalo semuanya emang mau bikin sendiri, ini loh referensinya >> http://templatetuts.com/2009/06/create-a-clean-and-modern-portfolio-layout/ atawa http://naldzgraphics.net/tutorials/44-must-learn-web-design-layout-tutorials-in-photoshop/
mudah2an membantu :)
okay, tengkyuuuh, sekarang sayah mauk pemanasan dengan nge rip blog inih dulu.. hahhaha
ntar kalo dananyah uda siap.. siapa tw bisa bikin web sendiri.. hihi
Waaa...kalo mo bikin website pribadi mending beli domain dari server indo aja. Murah ko, kontaknya jg gampang kalo ada apa2...tp aku blom pernah nyoba si he he he...
Menurutku si...web yg keren tu pake flash...bisa dinamis bgt...
kaya web temenku ini ni http://irfansbox.com/ sekalian promosi he he he...
araaa~ bikin website sendiri sungguh tempting yah? coba bisa menguasai coding dan web program dalam semalam..^^;
ah sayh coba2 bikin designyah aja kali yah.. :D
RC, have you ever used dreamweaver before?? it's easy to interface with photoshop and you can use something like lightbox to create the gallery, plus you can get the coding for a bog to add into it as well :) it's mostly html but i think you can add css into it as well ^_^
nope, I never use dreamweaver..
woow thank you for the tips Celeste! ^^
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