
Monday, October 11, 2010

Ocktober project

this month project:
-Finishing 9 commission left.
-coloring children book from Erlangga publisher.
-Broken Winter.
-Barry project.
-local comic project.
- website?

busy.. busy.. busy....



Hinagi of Fox Cradle said...

uwaaah RC, semangat buat projectnya yah! >w<
p.s jadi illustrator children book itu gimana sih prosedurnya?

Archie-The-RedCat said...

hhahahahah sayah malah2 nyantai2 ajah disini padahal waktunyah meped.. *A*
males sih abis liburan.. :( gak mood..

kalo pengen jadi illustrator, hubungin orang2 yang berwenang, kayak kenalan ama editornyah, sama yang bikin ceritanyah etece..

awalnyah dari kenalan.. lama2 dapet kerjaan.. :D

Celeste84 said...

very busy chie! but a website would be cool :O you doing it yourself??