
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bear or a Mouse?

yesterday I ask Nalika to do another photo-shot for me because I made her a new set of clothes.
especially because its rainy season here and the weather are getting colder.
she need somthing warm to wear,
so here is the wadrobes set

Nalika agree and getting ready with her wadrobe

she ready to go

I try to make bear coat, but my sister said the coat look like a mouse.. lol I dunno its a bear or a mouse but Im happy with how everything turnout thank you for viewing ^^


Celeste84 said...

so cute!!! did you make all that yourself chie?? damn your sewing is getting good :)

Archie-The-RedCat said...

yes I did ces, I made few clothes for Nalika so I getting used to sewing, the pattern are still crappy but as long its look good in photo its okay I guess?

Celeste84 said...

The patterns aren't crappy! they're good enough to sell :)

soon you'll have full wardrobes for the girls LOL

BJDLover said...

She is very pretty. What Brand or model is Nalika?

Dyah Agustine said...

She's so beautiful! I think I'm in love with her >_<

Archie-The-RedCat said...

@BJDLover : Nalika is oasis doll Ling lan

@Dyah Agustine : thank you verymuch XD