
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Morning Dew Wallpaper

another wallpaper from me, fell free to use.. :).. click HERE to download the high res

and I dunno why every time I made wallpaper, I always use the object in the left side..

'to the left.. to the left"... just like Beyonce says

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How to Colouring with Photoshop tutorial : moonbeam


This is tutorial about the charachter I made, Moonbeam, for my commissioner White Knight.
to done this tutorial,you need a photoshop program, a pen tablet, and a lot of patience and creativity, but most of all.. just have fun!

this is the final RESULT

I hope this tutorial help, for the complete tutorial, you can download it HERE
Moon beam are original charachter of White Knight. and all the copyrights properties are belong to him only, do not abuse!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Art Block?

nope.. I think its not an art block..
I definitely could draw like usual..

maybe its because Im bored to death?? Im to freaking lazy?? god help meeeeh I need some motivation.. >A<
well you see, right now, I have to working on two freelance job, one is from Singapore, about some illustration card.. and another is for a color book illustration for a local publisher in Indonesia..

the job is actually are very much simple and easy its made me bored to death.. creepy how boring stuff could stop me from drawing..
yes, I supposed to finish this weeks ago.. and if Im not bored like this, I actually could finish the job, in only one or three days..but whyyyyy why oh why.. I cant finish this job quick?
why I keep delaying this work, and not finish it as soon as possible?
why my laziness have to control my mood like this..
if I keep on lazy, if I keep finding excuse, I wont be able became a success in the future right?

but why its so hard.. doing sumthing that I dont like.. its feel like my heart been stabbed every time i draw the line.. *hyperbolic..
but yeah.. it is hurt doing sumthing I dont like.. even if it also a drawing work..
Im such a spoiled brat..
I know I shouldn't take this job, if i dont like it..
well at first I think I could surpass and control my laziness..
I think my wrong.. .
but that dont meant I will give up..
I wont give up.. I just have to get on and do it!!
Im embarrass to the editor who willing to wait me finish so patiently..
aaah I have to stop being so irresponsible like this..

just tell me what Im supposed to do, to erase my lazy behavior?
should I take some hypnotist therapy? :D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


do you know the word that written on my ID t'shirt, spreading everywhere in my comic pages and my art work..?

people who notice about little stuff, always came to me and ask..
what is ICER'S??

its actually an weird anagram from my real name initial..>_>;
and Im using it since im in junior highs.. that are pretty a long time.. :D
and somehow.. I have a dream to have a publishing company or whatsoever in the name ICER'S..

^^; hahha

than I realize earlier that there are other people using Icers .. its a name to call forum user from Indo Cina community.. its I.C and became --> icers..
woah! what a coincidence.. X_X...
so that make me tempted to goggle search about ICER'S

and look what I found guys..
Icer's Inc. - Anti-skid Detachable Safety Soles
- [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
Icer's Inc. - ICER'S feature a unique design that insulates feet from the ground keeping them warmer and dryer, yet provide extraordinary grip.

Welcome To Icers WebSite
- [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
Non-profit organization for engineers, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, educators, students, and marketing and sales professionals in the Iranian ...

Imperial County Employees' Retirement System
- [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
ICERS, the Imperial County Employees' Retirement System, is responsible for the prudent management of investments and benefits for its members and is ...

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! dammit!.. this kinda make me upset! hahhahaha

well because now my dream for having company with ICER'S name are gone.. other people already do that *sob*

well anywey..
have you ever playing with goggle search and using stupid keyword??

I do that lotsa time.. (gee.. its seems I have lotsa free time.. @_@; )
well its fun, and made me realize, how amazing this search engine is..pheew 3_3;
we living in such a big world isn't it?

oh yeah. go ahead and try it, you might find sumthing interesting to.. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

at least I have you..

Im really2 glad that I could draw.. when Im feeling down or lonely.. I always run to the saves place I could be.. drawing..
it cheer up my mood, and its help me forget the bad things I feel..
some how, drawing drawn me to the place where nobody can enter.. Im in my own world.. and having fun of course..
but after the drawing is done. Im back to the real world.. and have to deal with the problem than getting harder day by day..

its weird how people usually want to forget their problem and runaway. that's happen to me to.. but I learn that problem will still there no matter how far I run..

but at least.. drawing made my feeling get stronger to face the problem..
and Im very much thankful for what God bless me.. and giving me this ability..

rite now..
I just dont want to take my sorrow to my sleep..

good night everyone..
*continue drawing

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blog counter and pageview

I have this blog since rrr Tuesday, November 27, 2007 (my first post)

I dont use page count or page view, because I dont like it, its made me nervous.. ^^;, but than.. I visit my friends blog, and they all have Blog counter.. and some even count their own hits.. wow..

so I decide to add one of the gadget today.. its just started but I got a 13 page view so far.. (see this made me nervous, page views hits made you think about how many people decide to visit you or not.. ^^; and that highly connected with popular or not popular issue.. urgggh,, *not again.. )

but some how.. even my blog traffic is low.. (but I wonder if I already have blog counter from the start.. how many hits will I get? ^_^ )but this blog counter gadget are sorta interesting.. they have all the record about what, who, and how people that visit your page.. :D

most of my guest here are come from Indonesia.. ^^, but there are also from another country,haha thank god Im using english. ^^; and they all read my stupid rant to.. huahahahha *ups*

okay, this blog counter are fun, and maybe.. just maybe.. it will push me to made more interesting post.. and useful for people who came to visit.. I will decrease my rats, because even if this is my personal blog.. but still, its embarrassing.. hahhaa

I already put some of my works, my tutorial, and some free wallpaper.. do you have any Idea what I should put more in here?

feel free to share your mind okay?

I just hope the blog counter Wouldn't make me change my perspective about popular and not popular stuff.. hahha thats just to old school..:P

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Indygo Wallpaper

this Vector wallpaper are made from Adobe Illustrator program, you can download HERE for the high res

and this one is painting wallpaper that I made from Adobe photoshop,and you can download the high res HERE if you want to put it in your desktop.. :D

enjoy the cuteness of Indygo.. :D
and by the way.. until now, I haven't decide if Indygo is a boy or a girl, I guess its up to you..

Friday, June 19, 2009



I ripped my own freaking Blog, edited the HTML and butcher 'em as I like..
geeeeeeeeeeez.. it took me hours..
but look what have I've done with the template.. >_>;

yeah.. I know. I know.. its so lame..
but this is because I butcher the template without no proper knowledge.. I just put my pic here and there and fiola! its so freaking weird I dunno if I have to fell sad or happy..

and the colors goes funny, but it seem I can't repair it..
arghh.. >_<

well what ever.. so far so good.. I will butcher the HTML again if I have the time.. hahha
now I have to go and eat mah supper, Im so hunggryI can eat a whole cow by my self.. *lol

Thursday, June 18, 2009

personal Website?

just checking to one of my friend personal website.. and Im totally Jealous..
yeah I want to have website from a long2 long time ago..
but for some one who always think 'Do It Yourself'.. and trying to make website on your own..
my head is spinning..
okay I already download and save all the tutorial on how the easy step to made your own web, a simple understanding about coding and even; a free template that you can add to your website..
but hell..
I still dont get anything..
are my brain numb or sumthing?? I try to ask some friend help.. and then he ask me.. "so, what kinda web that you want? "

errr. now Im getting more confuse.. ^_^; hahahha okay.. I just wanted to have a website that will be easy to use just like deviantart (I already have deviantart)
and I want to have the preview album gallery just like multiply.. (and I already have multiply) so I can put so many pages of my personal comic.. :D
I also wanted to share my mind, that why there is supposed to be a blog section.. (but I already have a blog..)

okay now.. this is all sound so useless.. I already have all of them,, in the separate website, so what is the problem? the problem is.. that is not my personal web!
I want to design the front page in my style,everything to the core.. :D

and so what? what is it for?

I dunno.. so I will look more profesinal?

so.. anyone? can somebody help me made a website with a cheap price?? please contact me okay? :D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Miss U

aaaaiiiiiii miss my manual painting,, I miss doing art with water color..
after the commission Im doing today, I think I will start to do some art with water color.. its feel like sumthing is missing in my life and I kinda hated it..
always using Busy, or have no time for excuses..
but actually I just to busy checking my Deviant art..
the last manual art that I do is only sketches. >_> thats not god Archie.. thats not god..

btw, my throat is kinda hurt, and mah head feel dizzy. is it because over work to much?
hm.. I dont fell like Im overwork.. even tough everybody sez dat.. Im still the lazy ass cat like before.. so I cat get sick from being to tired of workin' right!?

oh please god.. moga2 bukan gejala DB.. amiin

Saturday, June 6, 2009

tips sebelom mengomik..

bikin komik ituh, gampang2 susah.. sebenernyah sih kalo udah siap storyboard, dan tinggal gambar mah gampang2 ajah.. :d tapi kalo udah nggak mood, duh amit2 susahnyah.. dan mood ituh lah yang susah dicari..:D dalam bikin komik, butuh dedikasi yang kuat untuk tetep negerjain naskah, walaupun beribu rintangan menghalangi.
seperti tiba2 ngantuk, belom cek wall di FB, inget kalo ada acara menarik di tipi, ato laper dan haus terus menerus..:P, pengen browsing2 internet.. =_= halah

nah dripada ituh kalo sayah mah sebelom bikin komik harus persiapan dulu sebelom moodnyah keluar.. diantaranya:
-niat dan baca bismillah, semoga moodnyah keluar dengan lancar
-mandi dulu biar harum, kalo ngomik ituh, nggak tawu kenapa suka keluar keringat banyak, so kalo badanyah bawu, terus campur ama keringet.. lumayan mengerikan suasananyah..(padahal jaman dulu paling benci yang namanyah mandi.. kalo sekarang apa boleh buat.. @_@; )
-setel lagu penyemangat
-siap2 air putih 1000ml plus cemilan yang aman (dengan kata lain bukan cemilan yang berpotensi mengotori naskah apabila berceceran)
-siapin referensi secukupnya.(majalah, komik lain?, google search?)
-bikin tulisan segede2 gambreng dengan kata2 penyemangat, dan berjanji akan disiplin :D )
-membereskan dulu meja kerja biar enak gak belepotan.

kalo sudah semua, biasanyah semangat ngomik mengebu2.. :D kalo moodnyah surut lagi..
yah cobalah istirahat dulu 5 menit.. gak usah dipaksain.. tapi kalo udah 5 menit, lanjut lagi dong.. jangan jadi asik ngerjain yang lain..seperti malahan ngeblog kayak gini misalnyah..

ngomik lagi aaaah

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


feeling so much better now..
but every time I remember about my job burden.. Im kinda feel stressed out.. hahhaha

hm.. I wonder how to prevent stress coming back and forth?
maybe I not have enough lol lately..I forgot how to having fun.. ^^;
no wonder every night I have a bad dream..
hahahha ^^;

but I will put stop on this, I dont want my happy life ruin just because some stupid stress..

take a deep breath..
say bismillah..
and keep on going forward with a smile !
Live is beautiful! and I've gotta enjoy it in every second I got :D

Monday, June 1, 2009

oh well..

my condition is not to good lately. got so many problem .. especially at my house.. kinda feel I keep being a burden everyday..keep doing stupid mistake that made my family mad..
and Im suck at drawing to ...

so all I need is only some one to support me, and cheer me up..
all I need is that.. and maybe Im gonna be feeling much better..

but that person never call me.. so Im the one who always nagging and call so many times..maybe Im a little bit annoying to that person because I keep calling every few hours.. I want to talk more .. but every time I call.. the person look so busy.. and wanted to end the conversation immediately..

I thought that maybe just me who are so negative thinking
so I try to pull my guts to say..

'call me okay?'

but the phone never ring..

and I hate waiting..
so I slammed the phone..
and I think its broken..
just like my heart..

the last thing I want is for someone I love, scolded at me..
I check out my Yahoo messenger..
and I think my hope are to high ^^;

I feel it somehow ridiculous..
I realize that I suck at relationship to..
maybe I just have to give up..

my head is still feel like spinning.. high blood pressure??
