
Friday, July 10, 2009

July, current project

project for this month and all have to be done in end of July,2009

-draft/sketch of L.U.V comic, 200 pages
-4 commission, break down; one simple color commission,14 pages of comic commission(the comics are for three different person )
-sending the high res file for the board game Singapore, fix messed up part here and there so it look more fancy (they said there is no revision, ameen! )
-still waiting layout revision from Erlanga publisher, if the review is done, will start the sketch and ink progress. phew Im gonna get busy..=_=;
- musti,wajib,harus,kudu,bikin NPWP.. hareh geneh gak punya nomer pajak?? apa kate dunia... *lol*
-joining some money prizes contest? (do i still have the time? *A* )

did I miss sumthing?? hm?? its feel like it.. I hope I remember sooner..

gambatte ne Archieeee!!!


kemotaku said...

Gileee benerrrr...
Job seabrek-abrek, duitnya bertumpuk-tumpuk... @_@

Archie-The-RedCat said...

amiiiiin semoga beneran dapet duit bertumpuk2.. semoga duit dan rejekina juga barokah.. amiiin..

*duitnyah abis buat keperluan sehari2 mot.. sayah makannyah lumayan edan soalnyah.. =_=

tiap hari harus ada susu dan madu sebagai suplemen biar gak tumbang.. *mahal.. hiks..